Done & dusted


We've come out the other side of another wildly successful CPT Aus event.

Granted, there were a few hiccups with round explanation (I shouldn't be allowed near the explainses), but if we look at our KPIs, I think we can tick them off:

  • Fill a room with awesome people - CHECK
  • Ask questions and seek answers to those questions - CHECK
  • Give out loads of prizes and auction items - CHECKITY CHECK
  • Have fun and have a good laugh (even if only aimed at me) - CHECKARINO
  • Raise money for the kids - CHECK, CHECK and CHECK again!

How much? Well, how does $6,835 sound? Sounds pretty good, eh?

That takes our three year total to $16,955.

I'm just going to take a moment to process that.

Huge and eternal thanks to all of our prize donors, venue providers, ticket buyers and assistance givers. It was a great night, and would literally not be possible without all your amazing help.



CPT Aus 2015 - Wrap up

We did it!

The dawning of a new day sees me sipping coffee, contemplating roti for lunch, and  looking back over last night's amazing event, analysing just precisely how awesome it was.

 Spoiler alert: it was EPICALLY awesome!

The attendees were blown away with the prize stash, the auction items, and all the other things on offer. 

The standout round of the night was Truth by Consensus, wherein tables were presented with and either/or question - for example, Terminator 2 or Aliens, Best ninja turtle - and whichever answer was chosen by the most tables became the right answer. The reactions from the attendees were marvellous and passionate. And they were clearly all insane, because the room chose Terminator 2 over Aliens. Madness.

All of the auctions went really well. with the SDCC Devastator and a 15 year limited edition Pinny Arcade pin being hotly contested.

I realise by now you're all yelling at me for burying the lead, so I'll come out and say it. We didn't equal our target of funds raised from last year, we didn't even just beat it, we smashed it. All together, we raised $5720

This is an awesome result, and we literally couldn't have done it without the support of our amazing sponsors, dedicated admin and org team, and all of our tops attendees. You're all amazing.

Thanks hugely once more for you collective and inidividual fabulousness, and we're already looking forward to CPT Aus 2016!